earn money from home by using SeoClerks


What is SeoClerks?
SeoClerks is an online micro job marketplace where employers come to hire micro freelancers and where online workers register their skills awaiting show. You just need to register for free and register whatever you can under the following categories:

Article translation
Article writing
Audio & Music
blog comments
Link building
Forum Post
Forum signature
Social network
Web 2.0 and more…

The site is online since October 2011, an American project that was born and developed by the brilliant idea of ​​4 people, and to date is unquestionably the world leader in the segment. It counts around 2 Million registered freelancers offering various Seo and Social Marketing services.
You can get paid working at home in any way under this category! As I said in the post “Make money online with micro jobs”, the only limit is you (your skills, your time, your rules, your imagination)!

The best part about online microjobs is that you master the game. You are fully qualified to start making money online when you sell what you can do. And, you earn money with anything.

For example, you earn money with sponsored tweets, Facebook likes, forum signatures sold for a month, articles written, blog comments, etc… Get paid directly to your Payoneer, your PayPal account, your home via money transfer, local bank transfer , etc…

How about payment?
At SeoClerks, payment methods are flexible. The minimum payout can be lowered to $1 and withdrawals are made via Payoneer and PayPal!

When you register, you start as a level 1 online worker; when you complete a job, you will be automatically promoted to a higher level for free. Here are the payout thresholds by user level:

Level 1: Minimum payout $10 via PayPal, $20 via Payoneer, $150 via local money transfer 8 times a month.
Level 2: Minimum payout threshold is $5 via PP, $20 via Payoneer, $150 via money transfer 12 times a month.
Level 3: Minimum $1 Pay via PayPal, $20 via Payoneer, $150 via money transfer 31 times a month!
Level 4: All Level 3 profits plus 999 withdrawals allowed per month!

This site doesn't necessarily require any investment, either initial or less during the relationship, the more active you are, the more chances you have to earn.

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