What is the Internet of Things?


What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

It is a network of physical objects, sensors, software tools, and technologies that communicate with each other to exchange data with other devices on the Internet.


Internet development stages:

It is known that the development of the Internet has taken place in stages. From the Second World War until the early nineties of the twentieth century, the network was the preserve of military uses and applications, specifically for the US Army. Then there was the strategic decision to open the door for civilian applications in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Many of the military admit that they did not expect the massive spread of the Internet and its services worldwide, and they did not expect the applications to reach all walks of life. With the spread of cellular or mobile phone technology as a new form of technology, the access rate has exceeded 100 percent in a large number of countries in the world, and the technology of tablet phones and smart palms has emerged and generations of data transmission services over the phone such as second generation, third generation (wireless communications), A fourth generation (wireless communications), a fifth generation (communication networks), opened the door wide for the expansion of the phenomenon of electronic social communication (both audio and visual), all of which led to the emergence of the third generation of the Internet, which is the semantic web generation. This means the availability of Internet tools, such as search engines, concerned with building links between concepts and the semantics of vocabulary, to convert unstructured or semi-structured data into structured data that is easy to use and manipulate.


In parallel, there has been an expansion in the use of smart equipment technologies equipped with sensors, simple and effective software algorithms, GPS devices, proximity and remote sensing technology, and wired and wireless connectivity, and this has sparked great enthusiasm among individuals and organizations to benefit from these services. Which enabled the emergence of the phenomenon of communication and communication via the Internet between devices to each other, and this is what is required.


What are the things?

Here are some selected examples of things that communicate and communicate online without the direct intervention of humans. Note that the understanding between the devices takes place directly and that the human being is one of the terminals of the communication (Node) just like the other terminals. Things here mean any device, peripheral, or so that can be identified on the Internet by affixing an Internet (IP) address to it, such as the car, TV, Google Glass, and various household items such as refrigerator, washing machine, alarms, building entrances, air conditioners, and the list goes on to include everything Among other things, such as goods and products that are available on the shelves of shops. It also extends to include the collars of animals in breeding farms, in reserves, in the sea, and even trees and forest elements.


The rule in defining "internet" things is everything that the Internet can recognize through known Internet protocols. And man in this case is the beneficiary of all these understandings and objective contacts. With some science fiction, a person himself becomes a “thing” if a certain Internet address is attached to him or his surroundings, such as glasses, a watch, a bracelet, electronic clothes, devices or medical equipment on it or inside his body.


What are the benefits of the Internet of Things:

IoT application is very useful in organizations as it improves employee productivity and reduces human labor. It eliminates the need to do and automate repetitive and boring tasks. It allows HR to focus on more complex tasks that require interpersonal skills and out-of-the-box thinking. Thus, reducing the number of workers and reducing the cost of business operations. It improves operations management and provides automated control of multiple areas of operation, including inventory management, freight tracking, fuel and spare parts management. IoT facilitates better use of resources and assets and allows for higher resource usage such as improved energy management and water consumption. For more information on this topic, one can visit IoT Online Training. Apart from these, here are some of the benefits of the Internet of Things.


Cost Effectiveness:

It reduces downtime and provides a higher production rate which results in greater profits. Moreover, it reduces the number of workers and automates regular and repetitive tasks by itself.


Improving work safety:

The Internet of Things creates a secure work environment that makes the company more attractive to investors, partners and employees. IoT devices such as cameras and sensors can prevent security threats such as thefts and espionage.


Business Development:

Smart devices such as speakers and voice assistants can interact directly with customers regularly. They provide businesses with the ideas needed to make business and marketing strategies.


Improves company image:

Implementation of high-tech solutions in an organization creates a positive impression on customers, investors and business partners. Moreover, it attracts experienced employees to the company.

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